
Harse #

Harse is a narrow village located on a strip of land at the point where Sarwin River empties into Falcon River. The village itself consists of just a few dozen buildings, including a church dedicated to Erastil, two general stores, two taverns (the Spotted Pony and the somewhat dingier Nag Bag), a large inn (Rancher’s Retreat), and a bustling ferry service.

There isn’t much for foreigners in Harse, and the villagers have little to offer powerful adventurers apart from rumors. Times aren’t quite bad in Harse, but neither are they good. The village, as with all of the Korvosan holdings in the region, relies upon trade from the city as well as regular support of patrols and the like from the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company. Whispers of what’s going on in Korvosa are on everyone’s lips, especially since the number of refugees fleeing the city seems to be growing.

Harse #

Piccola città NB Corruzione +0; Crimine +0; Economia +1; Legge +0; Conoscenze+2; Società +0 Qualità cittadini pettegoli, posizione strategica Pericolo +0


Governo autocrazia (lord sindaco) Popolazione 828 (671 umani, 83 halfling, 33 nani, 25 mezz’elfi, 8 gnomi, 8 altro) Notable NPCs

  • Lord Sindaco Bikalus Zane (LN mascio umano esperto 4/ranger 1)
  • Madre Tasa Seganni (NB femmina mezz’elfo chierica di Erastil 7)


Valore base 1100 mo; Limite acquisti 5,000 mo; Incantesimi 4° liv Oggetti magici (in corsivo da verificare)

  • minori: fionda +2 , guanti d’arme +1 anatema dei non morti, anello di protezione +1, pagina di conoscenza incantesimi (2° liv);
  • medi: spada corta affilata tonante +1, cotta di maglia dell’ombra +1, pergamena di invocare fulmine, bacchetta di vedere invisibilità (50 cariche)
