Grau Soldado #
Guardia sbronza ed ex studente di Vencarlo
Born in Sandpoint over on Varisia’s west coast, Grau fled an alcoholic and abusive father at an early age. He wound up here in Korvosa where, after a failed pickpocketing attempt, he was taken in by one of Korvosa’s most talented fighters, a man named Vencarlo Orisini. Vencarlo got the boy an apprenticeship with a good-natured smith, and when Grau wasn’t working, the swordmaster tutored the young man free of charge in the art of swordplay. But ill fate intervened. Grau was not Vencarlo’s only star pupil. A young woman named Sabina Merrin caught his interest as well. Though he fought against it, Vencarlo found himself wildly attracted to the beautiful Sabina—as did Grau. The fact that Sabina herself was more interested in women complicated matters even further, eventually resulting in a three-way confrontation of frustration and misunderstanding, with Grau successfully engineering a duel between Vencarlo and Sabina, a duel that resulted in the loss of two of Vencarlo’s fingers and a scar on Sabina’s cheek. Sabina abandoned her lessons with Vencarlo and joined Korvosa’s Castle Guard. When Vencarlo discovered Grau’s hand in the events soon thereafter, he expelled him in a rare rage. The loss of his teacher and the end of his unrequited love was too much for Grau, and he increasingly took to drink. Still, his skill at swordplay remained and he swiftly found a place among the Korvosan Guard, rising quickly through the ranks to Watch Sergeant. With the advent of the king’s death and the following riots, Grau abandoned even these responsibilities and now spends all his waking hours drunk and despondent. Grau used to be a lean man, with steely muscle on his well-honed physique. He was always cleanshaven, with bright piercing green eyes. Now, he’s a mess—he hasn’t changed his uniform in days (perhaps weeks, depending on when you time this event), and he reeks of stale sweat and ale.
Incontro con i PG #
When he encounters the PCs, he mistakes one of them for an old friend named Neffi from Sandpoint and insists on buying him several drinks at the closest tavern. Quando eslpode l’epidemia del velo di Sangue, Grau (visibilmente meno sbronzo, anche se non ancora in forma come una volta) richiede l’aiuto dei PG: infatti, sua nipote Brienna è il paziente zero del velo di Sangue. Per l’anagrafe, gli altri nipoti si chiamano Charlo e Rello. Sua sorella è Tayce Soldado, vedova (il marito Bayan è morto tempo fa). Una volta sconfitto il velo di Sangue, Grau offre un’ultima cena di ringraziamento ai PG prima di abbandonare Korvosa. Durante tale cena, i PG manifestano il loro desiderio di andare a Vecchia Korvosa, così la sera stessa li aiuta nel procurarsi una barca, ultima possibilità di sdebitarsi.
Una delle prime vittime del velo di sangue
Preoccupata madre di Brienna Soldado